Rebuilders Outreach Ministry -ROM
Rebuilders Outreach Ministry -ROMMonday, September 30th, 2024 at 2:07pm

Coming Thursday, the 3rd of Oct 2024 @9pm

Keeping our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. For the joy that lay before him, he endured the cross, despising the shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.

Welcome to Rebuilders Outreach Ministry. We are a diaspora voice for Kenyans living abroad to advocate for growth and interactions in various spaces of life.  

The major aspects that we are involved in are:

  • Government Relations & Advocacy Aspect
  • Economic Aspect
  • Social Aspect
  • ROM and GoK Engagement

K.C.R Various Aspects 

Get involved

Government Relations & Advocacy Aspect

  • A call to pray for our nation during this transitional period and after the election period.
  • A platform whereby we can engage with the Kenyan government on key Diaspora issues.
  • A platform whereby we can identify gaps within different systems in our country and established and collaborative ways of addressing them by using our skills, qualifications, professions, experiences etc.
  • By doing so, we will not only be addressing the issue of the brain drain which remains a big concern for African nations, but also creating an opportunity to work with the government and to participate in nation building.

Economic Aspect

To highlight and inform of the opportunities that would benefit our people bother here in the UK and in Kenya.
To build structures that will enable Kenyans to collaboratively decide and work on development/investment opportunities in the UK and in Kenya.

To organise workshops that educate on employment matters e.g. capacity building, self employment, job application, interview skills, trade/business outside the UK.

Creating opportunities and enlarge boundaries by tapping into resources available elsewhere.

Social Aspect

To highlight the challenges being faced within the community and to mobilise for unity in addressing them. Social issues are many and varied, but continue to be ignored. We need to address: The Youth, Families, health, education, unemployment, immigration etc.

To seek ways of meeting these challenges by mobilising resources which are already available within the community, be they practical or spiritual.

To encourage every Kenyan to reach out to other Kenyans and to use what they have in terms of skills profession, gifting etc.

Being a source of information and sign posting as necessary on different social issues.

Organising workshops aimed at different social issues.

Get involved

ROM and GoK Engagement

ROM through its Government relations and Advocacy pillar seeks to:

  • Serve as a UK Diaspora liaison for the UK Mission and MoFAIT. Special emphasis will be coordinating activities that involve spelling out, debating and rolling out the diaspora policy to the Kenyan UK diaspora.
  • Serve as liaison to diaspora groupings, Kenyan UK diaspora organisations, African UK diaspora organisations, Global Kenyan Diaspora organisations, Government of Kenya department, Private sector, donor agencies, International investor community and UK population.
  • Serve as administrators – maintain communication and flow of information, be involved in planning, coordinating and hosting GoK and County officials, GoK and private sector events, other visitors to the  UK as needed.
  • Serve as an ambassador for Kenya by promoting the mission and goals of vision 2030, promoting Kenyan led events to the general UK population. Promote Kenyan culture in UK schools/ colleges where our children attend through clearly mapped out programs in partnership with parents.
  • Assess, address, educate and advocate for the issues, needs and potential of all underrepresented and underserved diaspora groupings, (Second generation, DJ’s, artists, professionals, temporary migrants)