Dear Kenyans in the UK,
We hope and pray that you and your loved ones are holding on well during this difficult moments. Most importantly we thank our fellow Kenyans working in the frontline as keyworkers for their sacrificial service.
ROM will not be holding its 9th Anniversary celebrations on Saturday the 25th of April as previously scheduled. Instead, we would like to divert that small fund to reach out to our fellow Kenyans in the UK who are vulnerable & in dire need of support.
We need your support to identify them so that we can support them with some basic dried food stuff (rice, flour, unga, beans, oil etc) as well as signposting to other community resources & information.
Criteria for eligibility:
1 – Those as a result of their personal circumstance are *unable to access any form of state or social network support* and are struggling.
2- Those facing extreme hardship and are struggling with the basics.
*These people may not be known to any organized social networks.*
We can also help guide anyone facing mental health challenges, adult/children social care concerns, DV, loss etc.
Others might benefit from a regular listening ear/befriender.
If you know anyone, kindly request them to contact us for a confidential chat on any of the numbers below.
Many thanks
Rebuilders Outreach Ministry (ROM)

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